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The deposit holds the puppy for up to 24 hrs (unless purchasing a new arrival puppy see below for details) with the understanding that the above-named customer intends to purchase the puppy in full within this 24 hr time period. If the above-named customer later decides for any reason not to pay the total balance due within the 24 hr period, the deposit will be automatically forfeited. These terms and conditions for placing a deposit on a puppy are non-negotiable and the deposit may not be used for any other reason.
If customer is purchasing a new arrival puppy the deposit will be held till the end of day that the license veterinarian exams the puppy. If the pet does not pass the initial inspection, I will receive a full refund on my deposit. If the pet has any medical conditions detected during the initial vet exam, but is still able to go home, and I choose not to adopt I will forfeit $750 ($795 with tax).